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Best Practices for Efficient Handling and Resolution of Landlord-Tenant Matters
Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST
Category: Webinars

Gain valuable practices tips from panelists on both sides of the aisle in landlord-tenant issues in California.  There will be specific focus on rent/eviction-controlled jurisdictions such as a San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley and Richmond where the volume of litigation has exploded over the past decade.   This presentation will discuss the benefits of communication, cooperation in discovery, and other aspects of efficient handling of complex cases typically litigated under the backdrop of substantial attorney’s fees exposure and insurance coverage issues. Dive into a discussion on the importance of effective settlement and mediation strategies. 

Presented by: 
Nolan S. Armstrong, Esq., Partner | McNamara, Ambacher, Wheeler Hirsig & Gray, LLP
Jacqueline Ravenscroft, Esq., Partner | Tobener Ravenscroft

1.0 General MCLE


Members: $35.00

Non-Members: $60.00

Register Here 

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